Self referrals
Our Roots Inclusion Criteria:
- Depression, including antenatal and postnatal
- Generalised anxiety disorder
- Mixed depression and anxiety
- Panic disorder
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (mild to moderate)
- Phobias (including social anxiety disorder or social phobia)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (single event trauma only)
- Health anxiety (hypochondriasis)
- Eating disorders (mild-to-moderate)
- Adjustment disorders in adults with anxious mood
- Substance misuse (where anxiety or depression related symptomatology is present and when their substance misuse problems have stabilised)
- Mild learning disability where anxiety or depression related symptomatology is present
Exclusion Criteria:
- Those who are actively suicidal and those who have tried to commit suicide in the past 30 days
- Those who pose a high risk to themselves, risk to others or who are at significant risk of self-neglect.
- People currently under the care of secondary care services
- “Hard-to-engage” people who have consistently rejected various treatment options offered
- Early intervention in psychosis
- People suffering from acute psychosis and those who have a pre-existing diagnosis
- of severe and enduring, unstable mental illness
- Personality disorders (severe/complex)
- Medication management
- Individuals for whom drug and alcohol misuse present as primary problems are best focused towards substance misuse services
- People who have a moderate and severe impairment of cognitive function (e.g. dementia); or moderate and severe impairment due to autistic spectrum problems or learning disabilities are best served by specialist services