We deliver mental health and wellbeing services with a range of talking therapies, community development, children and young people support.

Mental Wellbeing Employment
Counselling Self Referrals Triage
Assessments CBT NHS Talking
Therapies (IAPT) Long Term
Conditions Talking Therapies EMDR
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Circle Please Help Me! Employment Support
and Coaching
Activities Children &
Young Mentoring Saturday Club Dance & Movement Therapy
(DMT) Walking Wellness

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This is Our Roots main objective and we have achieved amazing outcomes through the delivery of Psychological Therapies, which continues to change lives in many ways. The professional arm employs competent and appropriate staff in professions such as Counselling, IAPT Therapy (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy High Intensity), Dynamic Interpersonal Therapy (DIT) and Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners.
Our Roots delivers Counselling and Psychotherapy services under the Living Well Consortium. Our Roots continues to grow and has become one of the key providers of therapists within the Living Well Consortium framework. This continued growth has been realised due to the collaboration with stakeholders and the diligent work of Our Roots staff and the Board of Directors who have continuously supported this noble vision. Under the LWC (Living Well Consortium), we deliver work for Birmingham and Sandwell Mental Health CCG and ForwardThinking Birmingham IAPT contracts.
In July 2019, we secured a new contract with Black Country Partnership NHS in Sandwell to deliver Counselling Services. This helped in reducing their huge waiting list. After months of invaluable partnership, the contract ended in December 2019.
Our Roots strives to embed such objectives into the community through offering Saturday and Holidays Clubs, which are free of charge for children and families within the local community. The club facilitates Dance & Movement Therapy, well-being workshops, school homework support, mentoring in good manners and behaviour (growing up responsibly) and group activities for all to engage in.
Our Roots services can be accessed by anyone interested, regardless of their diversity, in compliance with the Equalities Act 2010.
"Passionate about community development, cultural integration, social cohesion, health and well-being".
To become a strong and vibrant community organisation, that brings together the community we serve to promote social and health change.
“Today’s dream, tomorrow’s reality.”
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